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So I help run this new media network with about 60 or so sites (ranging from the small, niche ones to the bigger sites with a more general coverage). One big task that usually eats up my daily todo...
View ArticleTo Cache or Not to Cache?
If you’re running your blog from a hosted platform, such as, Typepad or Blogger, you probably don’t have to worry about database (and/or PHP) servers choking and bandwidth running out....
View ArticleHow Much Would You Pay for Blog Design?
Recently, Franky asked how much you think a WordPress installation is worth to you, and if you would be willing to pay for it if you had to. For most WordPress users, WP runs as a personal publishing...
View ArticleWhat’s Your Preferred Mobile Blogging Solution?
I recently acquired a WiFi-enabled Smartphone for use as my main mobile. The Nokia E51 runs on the Symbian Series 60 platform (version 3), and can connect to the Internet via wireless LAN and other...
View ArticleA Subtle Reminder to Upgrade Your Blog Software
Donncha gives WordPress users a reminder to upgrade our WordPress blogs in light of possible security risks. Donncha know you have to upgrade WP!? Okay, bad pun. At any rate, this is in view of...
View ArticleBuzzLogic Promises $2 CPM with Ad Network Beta
BuzzLogic has recently launched its advertising network in Beta, with a promise of $2 CPM (cost per thousand impressions) to bloggers. That rate seems very lucrative, but of course it’s just for a...
View ArticleBlog Search Engine now Powered by Icerocket
Over at Blog Search Engine, we’ve announced that BSE is now again powered by Icerocket’s search technology, after a brief switch to Google Custom Search. We are now proud to announce that we have...
View ArticleAre Blog Networks Scams?
This was one question posted by James Mowery over at Performancing. He wonders if all blog networks are the real thing, or if some just want to waste your time producing content for them at practically...
View ArticleGoogle Blog Runs Intro to Google Ranking Series
Over at the official Google Blog, Search Quality Group fellow Amit Singhal starts a series on Google ranking. Sure, a lot of us bloggers have perhaps been introduced to several SEO concepts, but...
View ArticleTrying Out FriendFeed
I’ve once been a avid Twitter user, to the point of setting up my blog to automatically republish all my tweets for the day, everyday. But I eventually got tired of how Twitter tends to control one’s...
View ArticleHow Much Money Should You Make from Blogging?
Lorelle VanFossen has started a problogging series on the Blog Herald and one of her recent posts is about whether blogger earnings are enough relative to national standards. To make the average annual...
View ArticleGoogle Now Indexes Flash. Should Bloggers Rejoice?
Word is out that Google is now able to index Flash content. This is probably good news to web developers out there who are into building sites with Flash. However, should bloggers rejoice at this news?...
View ArticleWidgenie: Helping Bloggers Visualize Data
LogiXML has recently launched Widgenie, a web app that lets users upload data from spreadsheets, CSV files, or Google Docs (among other sources), play around with them on a GUI and then output the...
View ArticleWordPress Releases App for iPhone
WordPress has recently released an open source app for managing WordPress-powered blogs via the iPhone. Dubbed WordPress for iPhone, the application can manage both blogs and self-hosted...
View ArticleCollaborate on building social apps with zembly
If you’re on the lookout for a place to collaborate on your next social media application, then zembly might be the solution. Dubbed “a grand experiment in social programming” zembly lets users...
View ArticlePerformancing Ads Launches has launched its advertising network, Performancing Ads. I’ve been playing around with the system for much of the latter part of development, and I can say I’m impressed. It’s simple...
View ArticleRegister your TinyURLs Now
If you’ve been on the Web long enough, you would’ve probably heard about domain squatting, which is basically a third party registering the domain of some entity with legal rights to that name or...
View ArticleAre URLs on the Path to Extinction?
A recent Wisdump commentary describes how marketing campaigns are asking people to search using keywords rather than type specific URLs. I am sure you have at least one friend or loved one who has not...
View ArticleA Look Into Google Web Optimizer has published a short piece on what Google’s Website Optimizer can do for your website or blog. Tom Leung, product manager for Google Website Optimizer, says it’s not always easy to know...
View Article10 Design Tips from Tech Soapbox
AhmedF of Tech Soapbox gives us 10 HTML tips that will help improve speed and efficiency. I say building in the sense that you could either be a theme designer creating a blog template, or you could be...
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